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Ways of inhabiting, 2021

Ways of inhabiting reflects on the possibility of building a community and a country. In this sense, based on a structural element such as a scaffold, a project is conceived were “Columns”, “Shadows” and “Modules” are presented, seeking to show the difficulty we face to build a communal project, given the fragility of the structures that support us.



“(...) Establishing a dialogue with reproduction, Micaela Aljovín presents a matrix piece —in the form of a scaffold— which will be the basis for the construction of a discourse that reveals fragility and puts the apparently solid in crisis. In a staging that recalls the modules that were played with in childhood, five columns arranged symmetrically in the exhibition space simulate emerging from the floor through the ceiling. Without losing their playful character, it uses a module —which is none other than the reproduction of the matrix piece on a smaller scale— to record the projection of its moving shadow. The result is a series of 30 silkscreen prints that highlight the impossibility of building from individuality, while, at the same time, inviting the visitor to build a possibility (...)”.


Luisa Fernanda Lindo, Ways of inhabiting Curator

Excerpt from curatorial text.

VideoConstrucciones (Constructions)

Columns, 2021
5 stainless steel columns composed of 7 modules of 0.4 x 0.4 x 0.39 m,
1 module of 0.4 x 0.4 x 0.24 m and 1 module of 0.4 x 0.4 x variable height
3.1 x 0.4 x 0.4 m (Columns I, II and III), 2.94 x 0.4 x 0.4 m (Columns IV and V) / 122 3/64 x 15 3/4 x 15 3/4 in (Columns I, II & III), 115 3/4 x 15 3/4 x 15 3/4 in (Columns IV & V).
Columns is a series of large-scale stainless steel pieces that are made up of several modules, appearing to emerge from below the floor and across the ceiling of any exhibition space, perhaps being part of a greater structure, highlighting the fragility of the structures that support us.
Shadows, 2021
Serigraphs on 320 gr Tuff Paper, framed in cedar.
0.374 x 0.374 x 0.03 m c/u / 14 23/32 x 14 23/32 x 1 3/16 in each.
Shadows is a series of 30 silkscreen prints that seeks to reflect on how a slight movement can make us change our perspective; in addition to revealing the impossibility of building from oneself.
Modules, 2021
Stainless steel
0.14 x 0.14 x 0.13 m / 5 33/64 x 5 33/64 x 5 1/8 in
Modules are smaller scale stainless steel pieces that invite the viewer to build a possibility of collectivity, as well as tightening connections in the process of making.